thanks to qbittorrent, i do
Great. More dems asking the hard questions. Acting as if business as usual when we have a literal Russian agent and fascist in the WH.
We’re doomed because of DT, complicency and continued complacency.
For some things, you can get non-DRM downloadable files, and those you do own. They’re very much the minority, though, and mostly limited to smaller, less-popular shops where they do exist.
I would very much like a law that says that streaming services and DRM’d downloads are required to use words like “rent” or “lease”, never “buy” or any synonym thereof.
You don’t. You don’t even really own physically purchased digital goods (like BluRays or video games). It’s a great time to be alive folks!
The only difference between a physical and digital copy of a video game is the format of the license key (on disc vs attached to your account). In either case, you’re buying a license key that can be revoked by the manufacturer at any time. A playable game isn’t even on the disc any more, since games aren’t finished by the master date any more (so you need to have internet access regardless of if it’s a disc or digital copy)
At least California is doing something and forcing stores to make it clearer that you’re only getting a revokable license rather than actually buying the product:
This isn’t strictly true because most games do still have a playable version on the disk. What is more is that it’s not as straight forward to revoke a disc, especially for passive media and the license is legally transferable due to doctrine of first sale as I understand it.
Except for the fact that Nintendo is doing exactly that on the switch. Physical games have a digital license embedded in the cartridge itself. In this way Nintendo can stop people from ripping games and sharing the backups with friends. With that said be careful when buying used switch games.
Can I put second hand carts in my switch and play? Yes I can.
I buy the correct way and it’s been working okay so far. The moment something is taken away, I’ll get it back another way.
Even though physical discs are superior, with audio especially, I really don’t have room to store all the things I want.
I’ll get it back another way.
Aye, matey.