President Trump strongly criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after a tense argument in the Oval Office on Friday. Trump accused Zelensky of showing disrespect toward the United States…
They 100% planned to ambush Zelensky to make Trump look “tough”. This was a pr stunt by Trump. What’s amazing is that a solid chunk of people will look at him favorably during this exchange.
They 100% planned to ambush Zelensky to make Trump look “tough”.
Honestly I don’t think that was it.
I think just certain trigger words were hit and that set Trump off, and then when JD saw the hole Trump was digging himself in, tried to protect him politically, which just dug the hole even further down.
This was a pr stunt by Trump.
To be fair, every last one of these meetings in the Oval Office put on TV is a PR stunt, regardless of who’s in the office.
The bullshit exchange aside, I want all talks between world and country leaders to be televised in the open like this.
Nothing would be decided,each leader would be playing a home match. This is not the way to do politics. Everyone loses.
If trump is doing it this way, you know he’s up to something.
They 100% planned to ambush Zelensky to make Trump look “tough”. This was a pr stunt by Trump. What’s amazing is that a solid chunk of people will look at him favorably during this exchange.
his propaganda networks,besides fox already has already spinned the news in his favors.
All those other leaders fact checking him so Donnie had to try and act tough.
Honestly I don’t think that was it.
I think just certain trigger words were hit and that set Trump off, and then when JD saw the hole Trump was digging himself in, tried to protect him politically, which just dug the hole even further down.
To be fair, every last one of these meetings in the Oval Office put on TV is a PR stunt, regardless of who’s in the office.
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