Here’s a Tumblr post about how different versions of Bruce Wayne (comic books, animated series, etc.) have donated huge sums of money to charities and other improvements to Gotham City.
I like how every response to this is complaining about how he, a fictional billionaire that can’t actually change the status quo due to how superhero comics work and their inherent nature as propaganda, isn’t doing enough. He runs a rehabilitation program for members of gangs like the Penguin’s that are often working for these supervillains out of desperation and then hires them at his companies after, hiring convicts at twice the rate of other companies? Well, he should be paying them more than [undefined number]! Clearly, he’s only doing this because it makes him richer than his infinite money already does! AND he hasn’t even overthrown the corrupt government and installed his own socialist paradise. Clearly, everything that happens in the comics is all his fault, and he only acts when he deigns to trickle down some money to the poor and huddled masses that he sneers at from his golden throne.
It’s like complaining that Superman doesn’t just lobotomize Lex Luthor and be done with it since he’s just going to keep doing evil things and hurting people. Not only did he do that in that alternate timeline where he became dictator of the world “to permanently stop crime,” but they also wouldn’t have a story anymore if they just did the Marvel movie thing of killing off the villain at the end of every movie.
Meh. Only suckers give a shit about the “generosity” of billionaires. Tax them. Tax them down to millionaire status. Why should they dictate what programs get funded? It’s never worked before… it’s not suddenly going to start now.
I mean, your own tumblr link is proof of that. After all, Gotham’s still a crime ridden shithole, isn’t it? Clearly Bruce Wayne doesn’t know what Gotham actually needs.
I am convinced that someone at some point in the DC universe timeline decided to make a shithole sink just to see what happens, Gotham was the end result. Shame it somehow became multi dimensional.
At the end of the day it’s all propaganda. Yes, I think the best version of propaganda about how to deal with the wealthy would do this, and show how it’s more effective. I don’t think creating media about how we should rely on billionaires to solve our problems out of their own good will is a good idea.
In that post he bankrolls many things that should already be subsidized by the state.
Also it’s not systematic, it’s just within his sphere of interest. If he physically sees you suffering he will make a grand public gesture to end it and buy himself some PR at the same time. This is the conservative mindset. Live two cities over? Tough luck. Anonymous donation? No of course not, Wayne Enterprises needs all the publicity it can get.
He picks and chooses his favorites, like every billionaire out there.
He should pay his employees more. I don’t care if he pays them twice the average for their positions, he is clearly wealthy enough that his businesses can afford it.
yeah, but that’s the societal trap. who cares what other people think if you know you’re doing the right thing by taking care of people who take care of you?
Here’s a Tumblr post about how different versions of Bruce Wayne (comic books, animated series, etc.) have donated huge sums of money to charities and other improvements to Gotham City.
I like how every response to this is complaining about how he, a fictional billionaire that can’t actually change the status quo due to how superhero comics work and their inherent nature as propaganda, isn’t doing enough. He runs a rehabilitation program for members of gangs like the Penguin’s that are often working for these supervillains out of desperation and then hires them at his companies after, hiring convicts at twice the rate of other companies? Well, he should be paying them more than [undefined number]! Clearly, he’s only doing this because it makes him richer than his infinite money already does! AND he hasn’t even overthrown the corrupt government and installed his own socialist paradise. Clearly, everything that happens in the comics is all his fault, and he only acts when he deigns to trickle down some money to the poor and huddled masses that he sneers at from his golden throne.
It’s like complaining that Superman doesn’t just lobotomize Lex Luthor and be done with it since he’s just going to keep doing evil things and hurting people. Not only did he do that in that alternate timeline where he became dictator of the world “to permanently stop crime,” but they also wouldn’t have a story anymore if they just did the Marvel movie thing of killing off the villain at the end of every movie.
Meh. Only suckers give a shit about the “generosity” of billionaires. Tax them. Tax them down to millionaire status. Why should they dictate what programs get funded? It’s never worked before… it’s not suddenly going to start now.
I mean, your own tumblr link is proof of that. After all, Gotham’s still a crime ridden shithole, isn’t it? Clearly Bruce Wayne doesn’t know what Gotham actually needs.
In most continuities, Gotham is literally supernaturally cursed, often in multiple different ways
I am convinced that someone at some point in the DC universe timeline decided to make a shithole sink just to see what happens, Gotham was the end result. Shame it somehow became multi dimensional.
better yet, fundamentally remove their power to rise again and build a system where money is not equal to power.
So you think removing the main plot device is the way to go for Batman stories?
Not necessarily disagreeing with you in the real world. But what do you expect from fiction?
At the end of the day it’s all propaganda. Yes, I think the best version of propaganda about how to deal with the wealthy would do this, and show how it’s more effective. I don’t think creating media about how we should rely on billionaires to solve our problems out of their own good will is a good idea.
Points for talking about real issues but also this is a pretend fantasy billionaire we’re talking about
In that post he bankrolls many things that should already be subsidized by the state.
Also it’s not systematic, it’s just within his sphere of interest. If he physically sees you suffering he will make a grand public gesture to end it and buy himself some PR at the same time. This is the conservative mindset. Live two cities over? Tough luck. Anonymous donation? No of course not, Wayne Enterprises needs all the publicity it can get.
He picks and chooses his favorites, like every billionaire out there.
Except lobbying “donations” that’s free speech and must done in private away from pedons eyes
He should pay his employees more. I don’t care if he pays them twice the average for their positions, he is clearly wealthy enough that his businesses can afford it.
The system we live under explicitly would label that guy an idiot.
Why pay a pleb anything beyond what is necessary when you can keep it for yourself
yeah, but that’s the societal trap. who cares what other people think if you know you’re doing the right thing by taking care of people who take care of you?
Well that’s the thing apparently rich people care very much what other rich people think about that. It is pathological mental illness.
and they own all the media to ensure that bootlickers think what they want.
Something about camel passing through the loop of a needle.
And there is a reason why Jesus didn’t negotiate with the money changers polluting the temple.
I agree with everything you’re saying. Maybe since its so in-our-faces now, things will maybe change? time will tell.
In principle, you’re correct.
In practice, the social pressure from rich peers will generally win out.
I was about to say, I reject OP’s argument on it’s merits