Olive is a 3 1/2 yr old Airedoodle.
She’s 50% Airedale Terrier, 36% approx standard poodle, and 16% approx Labrador Retriever.
Out of all these smart breeds, she missed out on all the smarts. She’s not that bright, but a very loving amazing, large dog.
How do you think purebred breeds came along? They were bred out of other breeds. Every dog is a mutt if you look back far enough.
This sounds like the plot of a disney film from the 80s where they not so subtly tackle issues of racism. But because its for kids, it’s animated dogs.
Then a dalmatian can be voiced by Micheal Jackson, and sing it doesn’t matter if your black and white. Ya know…cause he’s both? See it works on so many levels!!!
That would have been cute.
When people put “doodle” in the name, it’s not because they’re serious about trying to breed quality dogs.
That’s very simplistic thinking of you. There are good breeders and bad breeders. It doesn’t matter what the dog is called.
Literally every good breeder in the world will tell you that “doodle” dogs are not a breed.
Good breeders don’t sell much as q “breed.”