Heavy rain on a roof.
Heavy rain on a roof.
The possibility of losing their entire flock of chickens is a pretty reasonable concern right now.
It’s nice that he has poor English ability and more that he has dementia.
Shame. Shame.
Because it’s good raw but it’s fantastic roasted.
Fix yourself first. You will be happier that way.
They are often vocal in person. It’s not as effective a means of spreading, but it works.
Anything that helps people who aren’t wealthy is woke. Anything that helps the wealthy and/or powerful is not woke.
Well, you know, Epstein committed suicide as well. 🙄 Truth is what you make of it.
That may well be, but do you have any sources for that? It reads a lot like a conspiracy theory based on nothing beyond Republicans generally being repugnant.
Oh, don’t worry. They don’t have to pay for those fund raising vacations out of pocket. It comes from the non-profit’s budget.
Receiving approximately a million dollars a year is not reasonable at a non-profit.
The dead dog was in the bathroom closet. Very weird.
The majority of us did not vote for this. And we’re trapped. We can’t riot like the French do; we’ll lose our jobs and our healthcare and our houses.
This has been long in the making.
You get those socks even if you have surgery at a regular hospital.
I think the idea is that the person would go through the tedious work of removing all the stringy bits from an orange on the other person’s behalf.
You can’t “assassinate” a portrait.
Most induction burners are silent. I was an adamant supporter of gas over electric, but induction is just superior.