Let’s bring these bitches all the way down.
We’ve been staving off a recession with little more than sheer denial for quite some time. The Federal Reserve uses unemployment and the consumer price index to gauge economic health but there is a lot that those two metrics can’t account for.
Skyrocketing consumer debt, which has been going on for a while, is a concerning statistic which tends to get downplayed until it turns into defaults. By the time people start defaulting on their mortgages, the train is already speeding away without any brakes.
As someone who writes GPU code for work, the nvidia stock going down makes me happy. We still need a true open source alternative to CUDA, but in the meantime, them losing value is better than the alternative.
CEOs of these big companies need to realize that we the people are the ones that allow them to make money by buying/using their products. The same way we give it, we can take it away. Align with Trump, and get wrecked!