In a now-deleted post on Telegram, a hacking group called Dark Storm Team claimed responsibility for the attack.
Do you think it really was a group in Ukraine, or do you reckon that’s bullshit?
In a now-deleted post on Telegram, a hacking group called Dark Storm Team claimed responsibility for the attack.
Do you think it really was a group in Ukraine, or do you reckon that’s bullshit?
It would make more sense than that Ukrainians did it.
Nah. Russia has been running circles around America in the information war. In Clarissa ward’s on all fronts, she talks about investigating Russian troll farms in Uganda that specifically targeted African Americans and stoked things like the BLM movement, etc. there is a reason why America is so divided. It’s why Europeans have started shutting off these things during elections, etc
Why do you write nah, and then come with an example that confirms how Russians do this routinely?
Is there something ambiguous about my comment? That state it makes more sense that it’s the Russians.
Probably skimmed fast and missed the “than”. Probably.
Or to put it another way, they didn’t even read a comment that is only 1 frigging line, before downvoting!!!
I misread comments all the time and sometimes reply based on the misreading. No ill intent, just my eyes playing tricks on me and skipping a word. Can’t imagine I’m the only one
Yeah I was half awake
I think it’s the “than that” is a little more complex of a construction that can be read over, and possibly missed. The sentence can be read with either of those missing, but if the “than” is missed it completely changes the meaning.
But if you actually read the VERY short comment, it shouldn’t be ambiguous.
Sad that people are so quick to downvote, without even reading a comment that is only 1 line!!
Yeah I was half awake