Getting rid of daylight savings and staying on permanent standard would be great. When it becomes daylight savings time during the colder months it really does suck ad it gets darker earlier. Thus, I feel there is a lot less I want to do in the evenings. I like the slightly darker mornings and brighter evenings of standard.
Choosing one or the other would be good, though I feel like permanent standard over permanent savings still is a bit better.
Regardless, time change is annoying.
I like it when noon is at 12:00.
Drop DST. We tried permanent DST in the '70s and everyone hated it so much we went back to switching the clocks rather than just dropping the whole mess.
I’ve lived in states that don’t/ didn’t have DST. It’s much better for your sleep cycle.
I dont understand why people want the sun to come up later so they can “save daylight”. Bro i hate getting up in the dark, i think your timezone should also consider when you wake up you want sunshine. This of course also depends on when the average person starts working and goes to school.
I’ll just fucking adjust my schedule. This time of year, it’s dark when I get up around 8am and dark well before 5pm. It really makes no difference if us central is utc - 5 or 6.
Cool. But stay on dst anyhow. It’s way nicer to never have it be dark at 5pm.
Enjoy your 0830 am sunrises in winter then
I’m completely fine with that. I leave for work at 5 am and I prefer it staying dark before I get there.
So this chart doesn’t measure sunlight levels through the day, but whatever the maker has decided which color corresponds to “reasonable” based on arbitrary numbers… Who the fuck cares about which numbers are assigned to which parts of the day!!!
Anyone who cares about daylight savings time?
Okay, but why?
Because it’s easier to change the time than to change business and school hours.
Spring forward and leave it there. In the fall it currently gets dark at 5 pm. It’s depressing to get off work and not have any daylight to enjoy and run errands. It’s also dangerous because tired drivers are coming home in a dark rush hour.
Regular time is shown to be healthier so no, don’t spring forward and leave it there.
I wish work places were more flexible with start/stop times
Word. I couldn’t care less whether the sun rises while I’m on the bus to work or while I’m getting my first coffee at work. Have to wake up in the dark either way. But whether or not i get that one hour of daylight after work makes a world of a difference in my mental health.
I prefer daylight savings all the time but actually I would go for utc and regions just get used to times being when they are and schedule around daylight.
I’m in the minority I guess, but I like daylight savings time. I like my waking hours to be in daylight. I typically wake up with the sun and I do stuff outside.