Was quite tired yesterday, went to bed earlier than normal, woke up at about 4 for a tinkle, fell back asleep until 6…decided to fall back sleep again (day off today) and holy shit the next 90 minutes was the deepest sleep I’ve had in a loooong time.
Wife’s alarm went off, she had a shower, had the curtains opened and I did not budge until she actually woke me up.
Was quite tired yesterday, went to bed earlier than normal, woke up at about 4 for a tinkle, fell back asleep until 6…decided to fall back sleep again (day off today) and holy shit the next 90 minutes was the deepest sleep I’ve had in a loooong time.
Wife’s alarm went off, she had a shower, had the curtains opened and I did not budge until she actually woke me up.
Feel absolutely refreshed too.
I rate the two sleeps
Second one goes way deeper imo.
I always dream the most in my second sleep
I love the word tinkle
It’s innocent and lewd at the same time