So after ten to twenty five years of use it seems that most of my pairs of Holeproof Explorers are giving up on me. They’re wearing out in such a manner that darning the spots isn’t going to cut it anymore. I hear rumours that the company has changed hands and the modern versions just aren’t the same quality.
So I’m up for 5-10 pairs of new socks. I hear good things about wool / merino, but buying anything online I’m sceptical of the actual quality once it gets to me. Even temu makes their products look appealing all the way until you open the package.
Given this group is still small and off the marketing radar, anyone got any brand name suggestions, or even stores I should visit, maybe I should be buying wool and a sock knitting machine.
Thanks for your thoughts.
TIL about sock knitting machines. Apparently I live under a rock. So is my partner getting a Nutribullet or a sock knitting machine for their birthday 🤔.
I saw those! There was apparently an old man who made a knitting machine and churned out socks in bulk for the homeless. I think he would have made long tubes and then used the method to insert heels later or just made tube socks.
Edit: Found the video
There are affordable knitting machines of different sizes on eBay if either of you are keen.
If you want thick long lasting socks though it pays to use slip stitches which are easier to do by hand. This is what makes the fabric denser and gives little loops you see on the inside of thicker socks like Explorers.
Edit: There’s a special cast-on to make seamless socks if you have sensitive feet.
Also there are special sock yarns that blend nylon with wool or cotton to make it harder wearing. Superwash wool is nice but I find it stretches out weirdly and the socks I used it for slip down off my feet
Not sure which NutriBullet you were looking at but my partner had the Portable one and it died not long after the 1 year warranty expired. It seems we are not the only ones who had issues with them, either. Of course, there are theorical consumer protections beyond the warranty in Australia, but that does require chasing up retailers and/or manufacturers which can be time consuming and annoying. NutriBullet doesn’t provide a post-purchase repair service either, so if you can’t provide proof of purchase you can’t even pay them to get it fixed.
The ACCC used to have a contact email on their website 20 years ago. I had an issue with a faulty product once and got the run around. Decided to Cc the ACCC address into the email reply and hey presto, my issue was resolved. Or maybe it was fair trading. Anyway, yeah I’ll check out alternative blender/juicers.
Thanks 👍