It would be nice if everyone would use tags or brief quotations, so I can see who is replying to who.

Modern forums are confusing my old brain because I’m used to the old BB code and old style of forum navigation, but a lot of things have changed in Lemmy, and also with proprietary forums used by large companies.

Sometimes I forget how to use features. I’m no better than a boomer who needs constant reminders on how to hold a mouse.

I think some people either don’t care or they simply forget that you can highlight text with the mouse and then click “reply” to make a quotation. Maybe they are using a phone and it’s too difficult to do this.

  • passwordforgetter@lemmy.nzOP
    5 days ago

    The way I read long and complicated threads is by going down one conversation, then collapsing that last comment at the end of it, and making my way back up the chain, collapsing “parent” comments if they have no uncollapsed “children”, and reading “sibling” comments and replies to those as I go up to the original “root” comment.

    That’s it, I didn’t even realise there’s a collapse button lol. Until now I just saw a lot of coloured lines that I thought I had to follow. I suppose it’s simple enough to follow things here if I collapse threads, or if I read threads before they get dozens of replies.