In summary: He stopped washing his hair with any products and started using just cold water, in an effort to help with his dandruff problem. Overall seems to have worked for him. Seemed mildly interesting to me.
Not actually NSFW, but I tagged it because the thumbnail is a close-up of some pretty severe dandruff, and there’s a few seconds of video in the middle where he shows the condition of his scalp before quitting shampoo. Just thought I’d mention, in case that makes you squeamish.
That’s how it works. There’s another layer to it though. We have symbiotic relationships with microbes and bacteria that live on our skin and in our pores. They swim around in the oil and they eat our dead skin and they manage all the stuff on our skin. When a foreign pathogen or microbe shows up not only do they have to make their way through all the protective oily waxing stuff but they also have to fight our little army on our skin before it ever even gets to us. By using soap you’re killing everyone on your skin and removing everything leaving your bare skin with zero defense. We evolved to have the oils and the bugs on our skin and it’s a great system. I’m pretty sure soap salesman just started making up lies in the Victorian era and beyond and everyone believed it an internalized it.
Jesus Christ the uninformed comments in this thread. Are you seriously saying soap is bad?
You do understand the benefit of removing viruses from your hands, right?
I can only hope you were only trying to reference scalp care rather than the benefits of soap as a whole.
But either way you’re wrong.
This is how people get started on the anti-science train. Next thing you know they’ll be talking about how bad vaccines are for the body.