My heart goes out to all the trans people.
I don’t get this at all, you’re just trying to live. I love you folks, I do my best to be an ally, I wish I could do more.
So, do we call the United States Nazi yet or is it too soon?
I been saying it since November 9th. And check out my profile pic. It’s a Washington Nationals baseball cap. You don’t just do that. I’m deeply entrenched in this American nightmare. The 60% of Americans who are eligible to vote and do elected for a nazi government. The remaining 40% thought a nazi government was no worse or better than the status quo. So basically 30% of this country are Nazis, 30% can be reasonably assumed to probably not be nazis (though lord knows some of them apparently are) and the remaining 40% are so goddamn unaware of the nazis that they’re willing to stand idly by while nazis do nazi stuff
1/3 want to kill you, 1/3 will watch and do nothing.
Definitely not too soon. Too soon for the weak ass media probably, but we need to admit to ourselves what it is.
From the comments section of the article, Erin clarifies:
"To answer some quick questions about my latest story:
It does not apply to the Visa Waiver Program as far as I can see
It does not impact American citizens
The ban exclusively impacts transgender foreigners seeking visas in the United States
It is far more extensive than reported elsewhere"
I don’t see much point in visiting the US when TSA under republicans could prevent you from going back home.
It’s cool that one bigot can do that.
Just goes to show you, don’t let your dreams just be dreams.
Surely there’s a library book somewhere on Russian mixology, I’ve always wanted to learn how they make cocktails over there.