Selon un sondage réalisé par l'institut Elabe pour BFMTV et publié ce mardi 4 mars, une majorité de Français ont été "choqués" par l'altercation à la Maison Blanche entre Donald Trump, qu'ils jugent responsable, et Volodymyr Zelensky, dont ils ont une bonne image. 64% craignent également que le...
The French people are amazing! They actually fight against oppression. Look up the gilets jaunes movement. The media barely covered it but they protest loudly, disruptively and even violently, looting etc. French descent people tend to do the same, eg the student fees protests in Montreal, in which the students won!!
The French people are amazing! They actually fight against oppression. Look up the gilets jaunes movement. The media barely covered it but they protest loudly, disruptively and even violently, looting etc. French descent people tend to do the same, eg the student fees protests in Montreal, in which the students won!!