Im doing the sacrifice thing but not really. I don’t like cars to begin with and live near transit, new things suck and I can find quality thrift stuff, the not traveling I can get but I have a lot of nice things to appreciate in my area. I don’t organize or protest though and work based on pay and perks. I have a sick wife so I have enough on my plate and if someone thinks im not doing enough they can walk a mile in my shoes and then tell me what they think. Of course I vote though as your nuts to not in a democracy. Like many things its nice to experience them while you can. (“you guys remember federal parks. oh yeah those were great. and voting. that was so cool.”)
Im doing the sacrifice thing but not really. I don’t like cars to begin with and live near transit, new things suck and I can find quality thrift stuff, the not traveling I can get but I have a lot of nice things to appreciate in my area. I don’t organize or protest though and work based on pay and perks. I have a sick wife so I have enough on my plate and if someone thinks im not doing enough they can walk a mile in my shoes and then tell me what they think. Of course I vote though as your nuts to not in a democracy. Like many things its nice to experience them while you can. (“you guys remember federal parks. oh yeah those were great. and voting. that was so cool.”)