Cancers just one or those bad ROI things
Like you’ve got enough money surely you’d have solved cancer by now?
Sometimes you need to “I dunno” totally slash the funding to stimulate the industry a bit you know?
Up the experiments, swirl more chemicals in your chemistry set and get us results!
I didn’t mind the bigotry, racism and anti-democratic scheming but this is where i draw the line.
Yeah they draw the line right in front of them. And they only notice someone crossing it when it hits them in the face.
I didn’t expect…
Good news everyone!
I’ve developed a nearly foolproof method for preventing anyone else from sharing this fuckin sucker’s experience, and will share it here - free of charge - today only!
It’s simple. All you have to do is ask yourself a single question: Does X effect Trump’s Y?
Replace X with the issue or item you’re concerned with.
Then replace Y with one of the following: health | self-image | bank account | stock market
If your answer is ‘No,’ congratulations, you now know that Trump will indeed NOT give a single fuck about your problem. Also, it’s probably some sort of peasant issue anyway.
If your answer is ‘Yes,’ you’re likely still fucked somehow! 😁
“We never expected that the guy who told us to fight Covid by eating horse paste and shoving UV lights up our butts wouldn’t know a damn thing about science.”