Gender neutral pronouns are just so much more convenient; I tend to use them even when I know someone’s gender. I do wish English had some common-use ones that were explicitly singular, though.
I do wish English had some common-use ones that were explicitly singular, though.
In the long run I predict that “they” will follow the same path as “you” - it’ll become increasingly more associated with the singular, until it’s the default interpretation. I also predict that both “they” and “you” will eventually require a pluraliser to convey the plural.
“Vos” (you, singular) in Rioplatense Spanish followed a similar path.
If that’s correct, eventually there’ll be explicitly singular second and third person pronouns.
Do we currently have an explicit pluralizer for they?
We can thank Harry for this one
(TV;DW: them’ll)
tbh gendered pronouns are stupid. We should call everything it.
laughs in Finnish
Yeah, realised pronouns were stupid because of finnish.
Edit: gendered pronouns
gendered pronouns*
oh yeah. People who complain about just pronouns are the ones who are bad at english, everyone has pronouns, it came with speaking a langauge.