Yeah, this is basically a trial balloon. How many people can we get to do this thing? Then, once you know, organize something that packs a bit more punch.
Yeah, this is basically a trial balloon. How many people can we get to do this thing? Then, once you know, organize something that packs a bit more punch.
Boycott the companies that ditched their DEI initiatives until they bring them back.
Cool. How?
I’m happy that kombucha is popular now, and you can buy it in the store. What I’m not happy about is you can’t find plain flavor! It always has some kind of fruit juice in it.
(They kill anything that could be a threat)
How is a small child a threat?
I don’t think that there ever was anything noble about the creation of Israel. It was always a straight-up land grab.
I’m hearing ya-sun-ahs. That U is halfway between uh and oo, like the U in “put”.
On Eternity, I can see the alt-text when I long-press on the image.
I’m gonna start throwing some away once I start running out of space! I swear!
JPEG = “jay-feg”
“F-stab” is just more fun to say.
Yeah, the j-sawn pronunciation is truly inexplicable. Who pronounces S-O-N “sawn”?
See also ghoti (fish).
I’ll be the first to say that English is a mess. However, there are rules, and this word breaks them.
That “gh” never appears at the beginning of a word, always at the end (as in “enough”). That “ti” is never at the end of a word; it’s always inside (as in “nation”).
Leave it to cryptos to make simple things stupidly difficult. This whole piece you quoted was hilarious, but this part especially stuck out for me:
The base protocol doesn’t use tokens, which lets people who don’t have interest in cryptocurrency (yet) use it for free
South African apartheid was brought down by a boycott. Another example is the Montgomery bus boycott initiated by Rosa Parks which ended in integrated buses.
Of course, these boycotts lasted for longer than one day. I think if there’s enough participation in this single-day boycott, somebody will come up with one that’s more sustained.