Thanks! A lot to look through here— much appreciated :)
Thanks! A lot to look through here— much appreciated :)
Ah I see. That’s really disappointing all around …
After a quick glance I can see why. That looks awesome!
Thanks for the welcome :)
Oh, good shout. Will do! Appreciate the help too :)
Thanks! These look incredible. I’ve left this website wanting more pedals than I when I entered haha
I’ve actually had my eyes on the jam waterfall (chorus) for a time, but I found a different chorus pedal used for something like a fourth the price so it was hard to pass up. But it’s on my radar.
Thorpy and Dry bell both looks cool and I was unfamiliar. Thanks! (And for the article too)
I’ve got a couple boss ones (a looper which I’m very happy with) and an overdrive (which I appreciate, but just isn’t quite the sound I’m after).
Are Behringer any good? I’d always felt that it was too cheap to be good, but maybe that’s just a silly bias?
Thanks for the article— this is great
Oh really? I had no idea. That’s a shame! Is it the guy who does all their videos? What variety of religious but job out curiosity?
I was already hoping to look elsewhere, so even more reason!
Definitely worth looking at— looks cool, thanks :)