nazis like to slip in their hate speech under the guise of “just a joke” and “satire”.
this is a prime example.
nazis like to slip in their hate speech under the guise of “just a joke” and “satire”.
this is a prime example.
you, looking at your post history: we ought to be friends… and not call each other names… you fuck-faced mcpoopypants
you gave me the “let me google that for you” link… which was really funny, 20 years ago
it’s really simple: when making strong claims, cite a source.
not only does it make present conversation more meaningful, it also future proofs discussion because google broke the “time range” search feature and the internet is becoming the memory hole from 1984.
is the point of talking about things on here to be right, or to actually cooperate and figure stuff out?
wow, how much do they pay you to say dumb stuff like that?
since when did requesting a source make someone a “traitorous bitch”?
it’s been widely reported that you take it way too personally when lightly questioned about anything….
here’s how it works: i’m not too lazy to google some vague claim you made, but i’m not googling the claims everyone makes… so the burden of proof is on you…
just grow up and cite your sources…. btw, “it’s been widely reported” is basically a Trump catch phrase now
it’s been widely reported that every time someone says “it’s been widely reported” it’s to defend some misleading statement
i still smoke and have never dreamed i was… also i’ve never had my phone in a dream, but i have dreamt that i lost it…
i guess in a way it’s meta… so kinda nice
wait so someone made up an news article screenshot about a person making up wikipedia articles?!!?
“the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree” applies here… but if elmo wasn’t an evil piece of shit, this article would be about him overcoming a shitty father and childhood instead….
liberals are fucking stupid too….
but watch a jan 6 video and tell me they’re not mostly rednecks.
also, the election was heavily rigged, your stats are from a lie.
check out: