The guy’s an idiot. And completely carbrained.
The guy’s an idiot. And completely carbrained.
Have you read some of the posts on there?
It’s owned by Restaurant Brands International which is headquartered in Toronto, but listed in both Toronto and New York stock exchange. The majority owned is 3G capital, a Brazilian firm.
That’s great but it doesn’t sound like this is relevant for home gamers ;)
DA-2A works to a point, but if you let the printer sit for a year it might not unfortunately. Like I said print heads aren’t crazy expensive, but still kind of sucks. But hey inkjets still do have their place sometimes.
Just make sure you schedule a test print every couple off weeks to prevent clogs, is a little wasteful but if you get aftermarket ink it’s cheap enough that is worth it, otherwise a new head will run you down around 50 bucks.
TIL EDIT: you can get continuous tank mods for most printers on AliExpress! I might give it a try with mine!
But they aren’t, the importer parts tarifs, not the exporter.
It’s pretty simple: no iPhone vuvuzela, sixteen trillion dead!
Still more Americans than Havana, also a direct flight from YUL ;)
Us Québécois love going to Cuba, we’ve been vacationing there for ever! It’s amazing, not a single American in sight!
Here’s the kicker, Russia as it stands today, is an all American creation.
In post-Soviet Russia and other post-Communist states, neoliberal reforms based on the Washington Consensus resulted in a surge in excess mortality and decreasing life expectancy, along with rising economic inequality, corruption, and poverty. Isabella Weber of the University of Massachusetts said: “As a result of shock therapy, Russia experienced a rise in mortality beyond that of any previous peacetime experiences of an industrialized country.”: 2 The Gini ratio increased by an average of 9 points for all post-Communist states. The average post-Communist state had returned to 1989 levels of per-capita GDP by 2005, although some are still far behind that. In Russia, the average real income for 99 percent of people was lower in 2015 than in 1991.: 2 According to William Easterly, successful market economies rest on a framework of law, regulation, and established practice, which cannot be instantaneously created in a society that was formerly authoritarian, heavily centralised, and subject to state ownership of assets.
What does a tri&-fold wallet or pamphlet look like to you?
I’m not sure it’s Layton we have to blame for this so much as Mulcair. Mulcair was an actual Liberal MP before leading the NDP. He inherited the official opposition and tanked it.
It’s hosted on catbox. Mist be your client rendering it properly (it does in Voyager).
Slack actually runs on XMPP, as does Zoom and others… So yeah…
Who do you want to have access to said calendar?