I like that there is a large contingent of actual socialists whether soc dems, anarchists or the dreaded tankies.
I like that there is a greater anti corporate mindset and I’m less likely to see someone justify something because “well what do you expect, businesses exist to make money”.
I like that there are so many Linux and open source enthusiasts. And privacy enthusiasts. Used to be big on Reddit but became more and more niche over time.
I like that there aren’t pun threads. Maybe that’s not really true culture but more contrast with Reddit.
I like that there is a large contingent of actual socialists whether soc dems, anarchists or the dreaded tankies.
I like that there is a greater anti corporate mindset and I’m less likely to see someone justify something because “well what do you expect, businesses exist to make money”.
I like that there are so many Linux and open source enthusiasts. And privacy enthusiasts. Used to be big on Reddit but became more and more niche over time.
I like that there aren’t pun threads. Maybe that’s not really true culture but more contrast with Reddit.