Water, shrimp, and plants are in. I need a picture with the shrimp in it.
Edit: there’s an orange on the right and a cherry near the top
Wasn’t my word, I was explaining that someone else used the word monkey and that there were no references to race. Agreed it was a poor choice of word, but I’m also not letting someone who is already trolling and arguing in bad faith try to pull the race card and suddenly cry victim.
Monkey refers to the conservative part of your pedigree. Conservative is a choice to be a subhuman lacking in empathy and is therefore fair game.
Thank you! The barge was almost the last Tatooine set needed for a massive display I want to build.
I would like the Mos Pelgo MOC and Jabba/Boba’s Palace but they can wait.
Yes! And here is the initial layout.
This is their public face and means of communicating to the world. I am sure their planning and organizing is being done as securely as they know how or are able, as evidenced by them having not been silenced, yet.