Only if they came legally
Only if they came legally
one crazy guy says porn is bad
logic dictates crazy is wrong so what he says is just the opposite of truth
determine porn is good from this god-tier logic
You are living proof that his theory that porn rots your brain is true.
When I worked in a restaurant we were supposed to charge for stuff like that, but I knew it would tick people off and take away from my tip so I never did. I don’t care if some multi-millionaire loses a couple fractions of a penny so I can gain several dollars in tips.
I work in the space industry and on a daily basis with NASA. Not a single one has mentioned being harassed
Most? Like Venezuela and North Korea? Ethiopia? Yemen? Cambodia? Ukraine? Russia? Sierre Leone? Mexico? Canada? Italy? Greece? Iraq? Iran? Sudan? South Africa? Sweden? Afghanistan? China?
Edit: ITT a bunch of rich trust fund wannabe commies who have never left their affluent neighborhood to visit anywhere except a four seasons in another wealthy country.
Is there a country you would consider alright?
Women are shitty communicators. I tell my wife this all the time. Just because you are talking doesn’t mean you are communicating. Men created TCP, women created UDP network protocols.
Communication requires two parties to understand and come to a consensus, most women are making announcements, not communicating.
Also, women tend to think they are more emotionally mature than men, but are generally significantly stunted in their emotional development. Flip the script, how do you think his wife would have reacted if he called her fat and then talked about a 5k then cried and threw a fit when she signed up? Most men would have been happy and excited, but most men wouldn’t have also gotten past calling their wife fat without a divorce.
Edit: lol the white knighting here is crazy. You all will never get laid. Hopefully your wife’s boyfriends are at least having a good time.
Mainly because you can shove “woke” shit down peoples throats and they won’t care as long as they get to play a manly man or stacked chick and the story and characters are well developed. It’s just when the game is really bad that people care about it and then the studios can blame the poor performance on the alt-right as a cop out for their shitty game. I.e. Star Wars outlaws and Concorde
It actually makes me complain more. At first I thought it was a magical black box of wizardry only Einstein level geniuses could make and now I realize it’s a crapload of bad architecture piled on garbage frameworks.
So is calling a white person a “colonizer” okay?
You’re literally arguing for Orwellian tactics. Censorship and quelling dissent with violence. Who gets to decide? You? What if I view something as hate speech and you don’t? Is it hate speech?
Collective freedom? So tyranny by democracy? Which will inevitably be tyranny by the majority of an ever increasing minority.
If freedom is slavery then what system works according to you?
Just got majorly downvoted on works for asking why free speech is a bad thing and the only response was a snarky comment saying I’m from 300 years ago.
I’m about to delete my account after being on here for a year and a half because most popular Lemmy instances are just turning into the worst parts of twitter exiles.
That’s how free speech works