Synonymous with “fluid” or “flexible” or, “shifting the goal posts”
Synonymous with “fluid” or “flexible” or, “shifting the goal posts”
I think calling it a pay gap is fairly disingenuous, really its about apparent descrimination. We should work ti eliminate descrimination while still hiring the best person for the job, otherwise you end up going the other way and you’re back at square one.
Everything I’ve read about having your windows open says that’s a myth and should be closed. Houses aren’t airtight so having windows open is actually worse.
Looks like they’re using a dremel like tool to cut the PCI bracket, maybe to fit it in a smaller case or something?
Probably not necessary for the phone to function right? If not, look into using adb to remove it completely. Only do this if you’re comfortable in using command line and enabling developer mode on your phone
I remember the dial up only servers for CS, it was great because everybody had a shit connection