This is the correct answer
A lot of (if not all) of those “real” images have postprocessing that makes them look fake. AI uses fake postprocessing to make things look real. Its like taking a real thing and a fake thing and applying a filter to both so that they meet in the middle.
I get the point, but also, if they want a better comparison they should exclude “real” images with filters, faked depth of field, bloom, etc. applied.
Edit: all right, so it’s not as exaggerated as I thought. On the ones that look really conniving I wonder how much was “generated.” Was it just a face swap or eyes or whatnot?
I’ll second moshidon. It gets bonus points for letting you see your followed hashtags. Or something like that. There’s something with hashtags that you can’t do in the web browser that you can do with apps. Moshidon does that thing.