22 days agoIt’s important to note two things:
Even if he doesn’t matter, or hell, commented in favor of the other political party. As a company that represents itself as politically neutral fails to do so when the head of company uses official company account to be political.
It is important to note. They are not private and secure. For example, they have handed info to to authorities before. Meaning they broke the 2 main reasons to be with them.
Theres a lot of symptoms of adhd and possibly depression (surprise, anxiety and depression are co-morbities to adhd). Your uni experience rings very familiar to mine. But most of the answers I would give you or anyone else here is based on our own guesses and maybe experiences. I would suggest talking to a professional about it. Because honestly, knowing what the issue is and bring aware of how to try to mitigate it might change your life the way it did mine.
I also went into computer science. It took me 7 years to graduate. Once I graduated I spent 10 years doing strictly IT stuff because I just thought I was too stupid or lazy and feared trying to program again as my main job. I went through cognitive behavioral therapy, I got diagnosed with adhd and depression/anxiety as well. Flash forward today, I’m a senior developer that never stops trying to learn things. Don’t give up even if it looks bleak. Strive to find what works for you. If you need any help or have questions you can DM me.