Spirit of the Machine be with you, hacker. https://analognowhere.com/
He will not divide us!
I wasn’t sure about this content at first, but it really grew on me. Good job.
The one that says “i’m sorry you got banned because of me from c/news for posting a vague comment on a post that i made that was not news”!
I’ll get the wine.
Yes, I still upvoted, but it’s not quite the same.
How many children can it hold?
I got banned again because of you.
I see what’s going on. Your content has previously dethroned JB. Now you’re going after Lord Zuckerberg.
But this one doesn’t have the finger in it :(
Thank you for creating advertisement content!
no guests here, just other unix_surrealists!
And now your computer will have increased luck for 2 weeks!
Please consider supporting my fediverse-exclusive content creation: https://analognowhere.com/support
Thanks! It’s about Mage’s new arm. I think.
Sorry, I just draw it.
Happy lemmy birthday!