… And he is one dumb motherfucker. I like your name. My mom would hate it.
… And he is one dumb motherfucker. I like your name. My mom would hate it.
I tried to start with OpenStack. Oof. Yup. Proxmox.
There are a lot of good guides. I run almost everything on proxmox these days, even virtualized my Windows, and (after a lot of messing around) got my GPU passed through for when I game.
Me too. It’s the parasympathetic nervous system. You anticipate bleeding. Your body goes, “Bleeding is bad. Drop the blood pressure, that’ll stop the bleeding!” It worked! I see a needle in a medical setting, I’m out like a light. Dentists are fun.
Well, where I live, it never really gets that cold. -32 is the lowest it’s been all year, so…