Thanks! I’m saying the same to you, and offering you something to point to for others that get on your case about your footer.
Thanks! I’m saying the same to you, and offering you something to point to for others that get on your case about your footer.
The license declaration is supposed to be communicating to all readers, as it lets others know that my content is licensed for free use for open source purposes.
Well I’ve read it once, and thats all I’ll ever need to. Message received! Now we both get what we want. I don’t need to read it ever again, and you can keep posting it, I’ll just never see it.
Also, there may be legal issues with stripping a license declaration from content.
I’m not stripping it. Its still there. I’m just not rendering it to make it visible on my screen.
I support you in wanting to post whatever text you want that isn’t hurting other people. I do not believe your footer text is hurting other people, so you should be able to post it.
However, I find it very annoying to read through comments and continuously have to re-read your footer because I believe it is text you are intending for your audience to read on the topic on the thread. This is my problem though, not yours.
So my solution is to block just your footer text from rendering in my browser. Using uBlock Origin I’ve added the following filter to my browser:[href=""]
I believe you would support this action because you’ve communicated its for consumption by corporations and AI and not other readers of Lemmy. This may also be helpful to you, because you can refer other people like me that hate looking at your footer all the time. You get to keep your footer, and we don’t have to ever see it again. Have a great day!
Can we leave religion out of this please?
Trump and Musk say they want to reduce government spending. But their cuts to the FDIC won’t save taxpayers any money — because the FDIC doesn’t cost taxpayers anything in the first place. Instead, it’s funded by banks, which pay the FDIC quarterly dues based in part on the deposits they hold.
This isn’t even about their stated goal of saving taxpayers money. Its about removing protections of bank consumers and letting big business screw consumers.
Reading about the predicted terrible human cost of the loss of aid across the world does make me wonder if this was a possible hidden motivation for its creation.
Hanlon’s razor - “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
Vivaldi still supports V2 Manifest (including ublock Origin) until July, I believe. Brave too, I think.
edit: I find it fascinating how mentions of Vivaldi (or other browsers) always gets so many downvotes. Why do downvoters care so much about browsers they don’t use?
so I think there was the expectation that I go, but I strongly feel that nobody should be obligated to go to an after-work event (especially since I already went to one).
I work remote, but occasionally have to travel to New York City for in-office events.
I totally get where you’re coming from, and most replies here are “you’re not obligated, so don’t go” or “just say no”. If you were living in the same city as your work, you could probably get away with this without any repercussions. Where you might get burned here is that work paid for your travel to New York for this. If you’re only going to participate in the “in office” portion of the meeting, they have a good argument to not fly you out and put you up in a hotel. They could just ask you to join a video conference. This may be your preference even, but if so, you should talk to your boss about it.
Something like: “Hey boss, I see there’s the upcoming on-site meeting scheduled. I wanted to let you know that my out-of-work schedule doesn’t really accommodate the after work activities that go on because of timing. I know the budget is always tight, so I am just fine with joining the meeting on Teams. Heck, keep the same budget and buy everyone else there HUGE steak dinners with what you’re saving on my flight and hotel costs!”
Keep in mind, while you’re not obligated to go to these, when the job cuts come, your self imposed exclusion to these events may make you a target.
Alternatively, you can go to the after-work events, but politely duck out after an hour or so being there. That way you’ll still get “credit” for going, and everyone will remember that you were there.
You’re picking out negative things (and frankly making up others) but overlooking the most obvious and important positive. There’s no russian lapdog running the government of Ukraine and the people are still Ukrainian. The people of Ukraine kicked out the last Putin lap dog and they have no desire for another and their actions to-date are still in effect. If the people of Ukraine wanted to be russian, they could be in a a fraction of a second.
They continue to choose NOT to be and have done so for more than 3 years now. That is proof positive of continued success.
“Weapons?! I don’t deal in weapons. Me? I’m a people person. For weapons you want my cousin Gaila. For a bar of gold pressed latinum I’ll tell you where that moon is. For 10 bars I won’t tell him I told you.” - Quark
They still have national sovereignty, a society, a culture, and representation in government. Damn right they are succeeding!
Given the current state of Ukraine as a going concern
Three successful years of holding their own against everything Russia can throw at them? I’d say that’s freakin’ amazing and a ringing endorsement of Zelenskyy’s leadership!
I’m not sure I’m understanding what you’re communicating.
If you can’t deliberately come up with ideas, how do decide what to eat? Have you never had the idea of something specific you’d like to eat? Does someone else select all of your meals and put it in front of you?
What am I not understanding about your question?
Two horrible people being horrible. There was this one nugget in the article which was interesting:
In one text message exchange, provided in the filing, Musk acknowledged his son while claiming it was “necessary” for his child not to have his last name for security reasons. “If I make a mistake on security, ‘R’ will never know his father,” Musk wrote to St. Clair.
This is the first time I’ve seen him acknowledge that people don’t like him.
Needs a Danny Glover cameo that can give a visual response when that line is said like “oh really?!”.
Ouch. This absolutely exists in the US too. It is concerning that organizers that claim to be experts in tech organizations don’t have this awareness.