Here in my area, we call ‘projectile diarrhea’ as the flying shits. But Elmo Turnip has cut aviation safety, so grab your umbrella…
What’s the difference between a clown and a politican?
Clowns have to go to college.
You’re probably not wrong, but honestly I haven’t seen anyone either eat an orange or drink orange juice in over 10 years.
Give a man a fish, and he’ll stay in prison for a day.
Teach a man to fish, and he’ll stay in prison for life.
Give a man a key, and he’ll just escape into prison planet.
Let’s not forget, orange juice is like $11 a gallon in some places these days. It’s cheaper to drink gasoline now.
No, don’t drink gasoline.
Can you pass me the 9/16" Adjustable Hammer?
Edit: I’ll save you the trouble.
9/16" Adjustable Hammer = Channel Locks
Totally random thought, but check the temp of different things both directly, and also in a mirror reflection. I wonder if it’ll sense the same temperature via a mirror reflection…
Everyone knows nanoplastics are stored in the balls silly!
Well look at this fat cat over here that can afford clothes…
Elmo Turnip