There was some bootleg Tetris game I played the hell out of, because it ran on my shitty hand-me-down 286 with dual 5 1/4" floppy drives & no hard disk.
There was some bootleg Tetris game I played the hell out of, because it ran on my shitty hand-me-down 286 with dual 5 1/4" floppy drives & no hard disk.
Yup! There was also “Yo! Noid” on NES
It also felt satisfying to cost Tesla like $10 in electricity and wear and tear.
Should we all sign up to test drive Teslas with zero intentions to buy, just to cost them time & money?
Steam Deck emulation takes care of that itch for me.
Haven’t we already confirmed Trump’s in the flight logs with his daughter?
This is the way.
Whenever I take road trips I try to spot the old Pizza Hut buildings by the shape of the roof. It’s surprising how many there are.
Couple things about the virtual boy:
It was pixelated, it was nowhere near the power of the home consoles. It sits between the Game Boy color & Game Boy advance.
It had an LED display in the mid 90’s, hence the monochrome. Making it full color would have been cost prohibitive, as they would have had to add in 4 more displays (two for each eye), and triple the storage for games as everything would have to be rendered 3 times.
In that era PalmOS was expertly designed for the form factor of the devices. WinCE was like trying to run an F-1 car on a go kart track
I’ll take some Butterfinger BB’s, a tube of Cool Ranch 3D Doritos, and a Strawberry Passion Awareness Frutopia.
Bordeaux Collie would get me. That’s top tier wordplay.
without death
I see you played musical chairs differently than we did. Bare minimum blood was drawn.
I went from Glacier OG to Silver SP. Never got a Micro.
I’m partial to the translucent version of the OG GBA.
Deport the illegal aliens!
“My name is impronouncible in your tongue, mortal!”
Go Team Cobra Chicken!