It is called equity equivalents, this is where you don’t give away equity but basically still pay as if you are, hence I admit royalties are maybe not the right word but for my it is similar. Unlike other international tech companies like Google or Microsoft in our country that pays equity equivalents, the telecommunications requirements are equity or slice of your business.
I am a vegan, well for now maybe it changes maybe it doesn’t since I believe everything should be looked at as rationally as one is able to, but I still see hunting wild animals in certain situations being ethical. Where I am from, South Africa, hunting has basically supported environments that are kept as natural as possible, so the wild life has to be sustainable , and it supports all the other animals that also live on the farm that cannot be hunted. There are bad, really bad situations where this was not the case, cage lion hunting being an awful example. But yeah the animal really does live its life in its natural environment, and when hunted usually killed in a quick manner, usually not always, similar as if it was hunted by lions or crocodiles.
It is a difficult point, since I do not ever want to hunt, but I see the benefits of hunting. I know there might be obvious shortcomings in my view, but OP, with this one you have my semi vote of approval. But with all things we should make rational ethical decisions where it does not lead to suffering or exploitation of the beings involved. Maybe Australia can support a bigger number of kangaroos than what the government says, remember they are not always to be trusted. But maybe the natural predators of kangaroos have been eradicated and now human culling needs to put pressure to keep sustainable populations. I cannot give you the answers but hopefully a conversation can begin. I tried to be open as you asked OP