I am a retailer, and unless you are going to pay my bills, I cannot afford to participate.
I am a retailer, and unless you are going to pay my bills, I cannot afford to participate.
AI could have designed a better cyber truck even with hallucinations.
I get this, but as a small business owner who is already struggling, I worry about this and the other upcoming days.
As he sat in a hospital bed, attached to an IV and wearing a neck brace, Whitten said, doctors told him that because he had suffered a traumatic injury, they had to send him by ambulance to the city’s only trauma center, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital.
After a short ambulance ride, Whitten said, emergency room doctors checked him out, told him he had already received appropriate treatment, and released him.
Then the bill came.
$12,872.99 for a 6-mile ambulance ride between hospitals: a $11,670.11 base rate, $737.16 for mileage, $314.45 for EKG monitoring, and $151.27 for “infection control.”
Conservatives identify as rich people, even when they are dirt poor, so they imagine someday they will get their big government handout.
That she wishes you would stop putting water in the shampoo and just throw it away.
Fuck, for a damn banana for which he paid.
I do have my own business, and I do work from where I want. If I do not need to physically be at work I work from home, or somewhere else.
If someone is able to work from home I see not reason to force them to come into the office except to micromanage them.
During the height of Covid and months past that all of the reps that I deal with for ordering for my business were work from home. They were much more friendly and hospitable while working from home. I could tell when they were forced back into the office as their morale dropped and dealing with them became miserable again.
And it could cost nothing. Just like my comment said.
Did you snort through your butt?
Yes! Waste more time out of your day, more resources, cause more pollution. Great plan!
“Could” but it “could” also cost nothing.
Fortunately with Fable you can be nice at times and mean at others.
Fable is the only game I have been “bad” for this reason.
also what the fuck, the ceo said the people who are calling out the bad choice are “mentally ill”.
I think saying mentally ill is them trying to say the R slur without saying it.
And Enos was the dimwitted gullible but honest deputy in Hazzard.