He’s got that ol’ New York City Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Blues again, momma!
He’s got that ol’ New York City Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Blues again, momma!
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Sort of gives a whole new meaning to social darwinism.
They sink and sink and sink and STILL refuse to vote in their best interests.
The lazier and angrier, the more ignorant they seem to become, and the easier it is to exploit them for life, they have less value as individuals, work MORE and LONGER for less and less, sliding back to the Middle Ages and they are the stupid, ignorant, disposable peasants.
C’mon… give me my unicorn… I’ve selflessly granted the right-wing consent to make those more vulnerable than me suffer, by heroically sitting on my heroic ass on many election days, I am a pure and very special, delicate flower, I know what’s what and how’s how better than anyone before or after me! i’M sO sPeCiaL, gOdDaMniT, giVE mE wHaT i WaaaaNt!!!