I have a trauma-based personality disorder, which sometimes manifests itself in episodes of often uncontrollable bouts of verbal violence. I prefer to direct this to people on the internet (as opposed to actual people), as I don’t wish to be violent towards people I actually care about.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2024

  • by being there for others (and myself) and minimizing harm while maximizing benefit in my interactions

    Same here! A close friend who is going through the breakup and aftermath of an extremely toxic relationship actually validated my efforts by saying something along the lines of “There are a few people in my life who have kept me alive. I think you are one of them.” which is a heart-warmingly typical way of saying “thank you” for him. All I have done is talk to people in the way I wished others would have known how to talk to me when I was at rock bottom (or indeed after someone threw me a shovel while there). Of course I’m not blaming any of my friends for not knowing how to do such, as - and forgive me if I sound presumptuous - not that many people in general may have gone through what I have, and probably even fewer around here. Or then it’s the local style of not communicating or really even knowing how to show empathy in situations like these.

  • Oh thank you for your offer and general empathy towards me, who is but a stranger in a strange land, but you needn’t worry about me.

    In fact, it has been over a year since I’ve last talked with this narcissist, though she did reach out to me sometime last year - again despite what I had asked and what we had agreed upon previously, so nothing new there - and, after some careful consideration, I did reply to her. I don’t think I’ve berated anyone in my life before quite like that. I channeled every bit of rage and resentment I had towards her and the constant disappointments she had caused to me and everyone else around her, basically hoping she would die or at the least move far away so no-one of my friends would be available for her to abuse, after which I blocked her again.

    Also soon after 2024 started I started seeing this lovely autistic girl, who I have come to love dearly and who loves me back. And she loves me the same way I love her, so it is easier for me to trust this love, which is a completely new experience for me. We are in a steady and I dare say committed relationship.

    And if it’s the drugs you are worried about, well… I’ve been addicted before, some years ago, to abusing alcohol and benzodiazepines specifically. Nowadays I rarely drink anymore, at least in the same way as before, and benzos I’ve dropped completely. I do occasionally dabble in some illicit narcotics, but I don’t think of or see it as a problem. Mainly because I’ve seen and know what it looks like to have a substance abuse problem, and I strive to not let it go there.

    In any case, thank you again for your offer (:

  • I, too, have found help with ketamine! Though the way you phrase it (“infusions”) leads me to believe that my experience of snorting it straight into my nasal cavities with a rolled up fiver off a kinda nasty looking plate is somewhat dissimilar to yours. And yet one of the few times I used some better quality ket without having at least four different substances in my bloodstream at the same time (a royal flush one might say) was one that really opened my eyes to what was going on in my life at the time, and how to solve it; at that moment I was in a codependent, emotionally manipulative and abusive, and yet platonic relationship with a narcissist, which is somewhat of a classic power dynamic with many other borderlines. Also what was needed was to cut her off completely from my life, in which I added a deep resentment towards her so that if I ever catch myself feeling any kind of empathy towards her I can force myself to stop it.

  • He’s probably a grade-A bootlicker for the fascists, specifically for those sucking each-others’ toes in the White House. Conservatives and cis-people tend to be weird like that I’ve heard. Which is good for those in charge, as the people crave for TikTok for its druglike addictive qualities and thus the current King (bless His orange visage) in the White House (long may He reign) would get more of the people’s approval, while having bootlickers like these dudes in charge of it He’d also appease the zionists’ thirst to kill, rape, pillage, burn, enact genocide and rule over every muslim and muslim territory in the area, specifically right now the Palestinians, unimpeded, by blocking everything that even slightly smells of being pro-Palestine.

  • I don’t know if it’s the wording used here or the actual study itself, but this all just seems wrong somehow. Like I’m not arguing against the fact that everything is completely fucked everywhere at the moment, and that obviously hits the youth hardest. But the way this is framed is just kinda stupid I feel.

    “Traditionally, happiness followed a U-shape, with youth being a peak period, but it now increases with age instead.” Has this claim ever really held water? And according to which tradition exactly? Also define “youth”.

    “Researchers link this shift to social media, cyberbullying, and reduced social interaction.” ah yes, it’s those pesky Iphones again! Thankfully it’s not, for an example, the actual algorithms themselves in use at said social media, or the reluctance from the profiteers (of the widespread unhappiness of youth) to actually change these algorithms in order to protect the in cases extremely young user base of these, despite constant promises to do so, take Meta and Zuck’s talks for an example. But then again, fascists do what fascists do, so straight up lying from these kinds of people shouldn’t really be surprising anymore to anyone.

    Or could it be that no-one knows how to deal with feeling bad? I, personally, started feeling bad when I was around 15 or 16 years of age, and it didn’t really stop until some 3 years ago finally. So roughly about 15 years went by. There are many reasons why I started feeling bad, and kept on feeling bad for so long, but from what I’ve gathered from these years is that parents in general are left too much on their own devices to give their children the tools with which to deal with strong (negative) emotions, literally what to do when you feel bad. I eventually found help through a certain kind of behavioral therapy, because the extent to which my strong emotions affected and had affected my behavior and actions was basically what kept on fueling my bad feelings and general inability to live (and also large sums and amounts of prescribed antidepressant, anti-psychotic and sedative medications, all of which did fuck-all towards improving the quality of my life by themselves. Only with therapy, which was difficult and expensive to find and acquire access to).

    There are parts in this fork of therapy, especially in the topic of emotional regulation skills, that could and should be integrated into the strategy of general upbringing pretty much everywhere. The parents should know how to bring up their kids to have the ability to learn more about these skills (and their importance to life in general) especially coming into teenage, which is a tumultuous time emotionally and behaviorally for everyone I think.

    So, a revamping of upbringing seems to be in order, but what’s stopping us? Oh yes, what causes every evil in this world: money, or lack thereof.

    “[This] may have significant consequences that affect education, workforce participation, and productivity”, oh no, not the productivity! WON’T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE SHAREHOLDERS! Never mind the kids, but think of all the fat stacks they are losing due to their wage-slaves not feeling good in a world controlled by capitalism! Whatever shall we do? Well what do we always do? Start a few new wars or something, that should distract them for a while, while simultaneously culling enough people to make it seem like the standard of living has increased. That should buy a few decades or even centuries to make more money.

    Fucking hell.