Video link?
This looks like c/accidentalrenaissance
Idk why my video doesn’t show up where do you guys post videos to embed in comments?
Edit: Someone else can see the video?? How did i get upvotes if they can’t see the video? Idk
I don’t think the app updated. It happened mid-usage. Also not all settings reverted but theese two, falling under same section did.
Years of developement required for things like to function properly. Damn browsers are such heavy peice of softwares
Oh yah i was looking in general settings thinking appearance is for themes and colors only.
Not sure why it gets reset. Both votes as well as user instance which is in same section of settings
No but its one or the other anyway right? I can’t test right now
So we don’t have the ability to remove package without configs in dnf?
I also use multiple panels here and there. Not the most beautiful but it works for me
E: another link if first isn’t working
There is apt remove but purge will remove more things. So if dnf remove is purge equivalent, what is apt remove equivalent in dnf?
I am telling scripting languages are programming languages. And also html is not even a scripting language
My voyager app is a programming laguage. When i click post, it gets interpreted and sends a comment to the server
Btw, is english a programming language cuz AI interprets it and does something with it?
I had to make an alias vim=vim.tiny
in raspberry pi since standard vim is not installed by default
But the child is inside her though(atleast one of them)
Ah tiktok is banned here lol