A related question: why is the “big tough guy” image a guy in a truck?
Like, you push a pedal with your foot to make your vehicle go vroom vroom. A granny could do that.
Surely a tough guy is a guy who is straining huge muscles to make a bike hit 50 km/h. A skilled guy is one who can maneuver his bike down a narrow mountain-bike track.
Imagine looking back in history and seeing a dude being carried around in a sedan chair and thinking that was the ideal image of masculinity, rather than the surely jacked dudes carrying him.
The idea that Trump is a Russian agent, or that Putin has kompromat on him and so he’s dancing to Putin’s strings is just ridiculous. It’s not impossible, but it’s so incredibly unlikely.
Having said that, this is exactly how Putin would want Trump to act if he were a Russian agent. It’s also hard to believe that any US president would be this pro-Russia if the Russians didn’t have blackmail material on him.
If Trump pushed any harder for pro-Russian / anti-American policies there’s a chance the GOP might actually grow a spine and stop him. He has a slim majority in the senate, and he’s already doing things that are causing GOP senators to vote against him. If he were a Russian agent his handlers wouldn’t want him to lose control over the GOP, because then he’d no longer be useful to them.
So, here we are in a situation where either the US president is a Russian asset, or he’s not but might as well be.
All the spy thrillers of the cold war prepared me for a world where politicians were brainwashed and blackmailed. What they didn’t prepare me for was a world where these politicians were enthusiastically supported by their parties despite there clearly being something wrong with their decisions.