I have a new appreciation for crows now that I’ve started feeding the ones that live nearby. Their shiny black feathers are pretty, especially when they come close. And they’re really smart.
I have a new appreciation for crows now that I’ve started feeding the ones that live nearby. Their shiny black feathers are pretty, especially when they come close. And they’re really smart.
Were you pretty sure the price would go down, or did you just roll the dice? I’ve watched prices at the places I’ve lived, and they only ever seem to go up. As in, I’m paying $1600, about to get raised to $1800, and the unit next door is listed for $1900. But one place used RealPage, and I would bet the other one used something like that too.
Great Grey Owls might not have the immediate cute factor that some owls do, but I think they look majestic. Just look at this one flying sideways. They have to have great hearing with such a big face. And they have such pretty deep voices.
The video I linked to just says that the owl spotted a vole about 300 yards away under 1.5 feet of snow. Its wings have serrated edges so it can fly silently. And it has to catch at least 7 small rodents a day to survive.
It’s interesting, that looks like a pretty big owl, but that little branch isn’t bending all that much under its weight. I like how you can see it hanging on with those big ole feet. The eyes are great too.
That made me think of the screaming choir from Finland. He says
It feels good to go to a concert and just scream your head off.