• 5 Posts
Joined 23 days ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2025


  • I find it hilarious that you and I are being downvoted for being angry and wanting to do something more than just sit back by people in the comments that are saying, “we wish you americans would do something.”

    Keep withholding your cash, fellow prole. We can only force our cowardly brethrens’ noses into their own shit and hope they get angry too. The only way for this to be non-violent is to completely withdraw ourselves from the system in all aspects and en masse. Take away their real power.

  • The problem is, it will require violence and loss of life from the proletariat to make a change at this point. Even the ones that are complaining are not willing to stand up for themselves, let alone anyone else.

    I’m fighting on a digital front with my networking and development skills in various ways, and with my wallet and choices in other ways. However, I am beyond ready and itching to get down and dirty with these motherfuckers and start throwing punches. Every one around me just cowers into a, “well, it’s not really so bad yet, I just want to keep buying my [insert big company name product here].” They’ve lost the human ability to adapt and overcome. It’s fucking sad and depressing. I’ve tried so hard to light a fire under my “left-wing” friends that seemingly share in my misery, and I am always met with excuses.

    When I make it to the front lines, I fear I will be alone.

  • What in the hell? Been trying to search for what this could be, but I can’t find any definitive information!

    My initial guess, it has something to do with off-gassing in lead-acid batteries? Or maybe something to do with electrolysis?

    If you happened to snap a pic of the backside connections, I’d be curious to see 'em.

  • I never understood willfully installing Big Brother in your own home on your own dime.

    Alexa has already been compromised in a few different instances. Weirdos having full conversations with kids, etc.

    Then add in the fact that systems from Google and Amazon are, well, owned and operated by these corpo giants with interests that don’t involve you other than harvesting your behavior.

    You also make a very valid point about the cheap IP cams from China. I spent some time configuring a home system several years ago, and I couldn’t finish/make it operational. The security holes that I had no ability to close were astounding (like hard-coded, default admin passwords).