True, I’m pissed by .ml and shouldn’t have made it about .world which is also bad
True, I’m pissed by .ml and shouldn’t have made it about .world which is also bad
Glad to introduce you to “muss ja”
You eat them? I throw it at doctors when I see them and it works as well
It’s not one big council but a confederation of councils. I like the idea of fractal democracy. Like a huge river branching into smaller ones and when you zoom in, these smaller ones branch again and again. You have councils on many levels, each making decisions, delegating to the next level and being recallable from below.
No, they are very good at giving accurate names beforehand like the War to almost End War
I have never heard the term minarchist. Many anarchists say, we need structures against the building of hierarchies, like avoiding knowledge hierarchies by doing skillshares.
Natural authorities are a different topic. I think Kropotkin was an example of a leader who was accepted because everyone agreed with him. Once he said something people didn’t like, they rejected him as a leader. You can call this a hierarchy if you like. I wouldn’t because he couldn’t coerce his followers but this is pure terminology.
The council isn’t elected. It’s open for everyone to join in all decisions. It might delegate some tasks, even smaller decisions, but it can always recall them.
So in your scenario, the council would delegate the power to sell the factory to a group of people which is very unlikely. Now this group of people who are trusted by everyone would decide to sell the factory which might happen. But the council would most certainly recall them from this decision making power the never should have given away in the first place.
Maybe I should have stressed more that a council is really open for everyone to join. It’s not an elected parliament or something
Let’s take the most “conservative” form of anarchism: anarchosyndicalism. Every factory is organized in councils, confederated both with the import or mining council and the consumer council. Now a capitalist comes and asks how much this factory costs. Do you think the council will tell them a price or to fuck off?
Anarchism is anti capitalist in nature since capitalism entails hierarchies
The irony is that the amount of coordination needed to protect anarchism would no longer be called anarchism
This is a common misunderstanding. While there are anti organisationist anarchists, others dream of a world while spanning confederation based on voluntary cooperation and mutual aid. Anarchism in general isn’t the absence of organization but the absence of hierarchy and domination (therefore isn’t anticapitalist in nature)
Did I pass? I have a good feeling about this test
Yes, because anarchism is against all hierarchies and the class system is a form of hierarchy. Instead, decisions should me made collectively, for example in councils open for everyone
Imagine being in the Thirty Years Wars and you realize it’s year 29 so the end is near
Seize the means of production
“Oh, your wife died? How sad. By the way, I need money.”
Du machst Witze, aber ich weiß gar nicht ob Mitgliedschaft an Wahlberechtigung geknüpft ist. Es gibt ja auch andere Gründe verhindert zu sein wie Krankheit, Kater, …
Aber alleine schon dass sie kein nicht-Mitglied zum wählen mobilisiert haben ist traurig
True, that’s also a form of anarchism