And even if it wasn’t, the amount of asphalt used in all the speed bumps in a city wouldn’t last very long repairing potholes.
And even if it wasn’t, the amount of asphalt used in all the speed bumps in a city wouldn’t last very long repairing potholes.
Magic publishers sent Pinkerton agents to a YouTuber’s house to retrieve leaked cards
When Magic: The Gathering cards turned up on YouTube last week, publisher Wizards of the Coast (which also publishes D&D) sent private investigators from Pinkerton to retrieve them. The resulting confrontation reportedly frightened one woman to tears, and resulted in the confiscation of nearly two dozen boxes of cards by private investigators. Wizards confirmed the incident to Polygon.
In case anyone else was curious what this was referring to.
spent hours on the phone explaining to constituents that our funding was cut so we couldn’t provide the services they were due
In the Pentagon? What services are the Pentagon providing that I should be calling about?
From the steam page