trump, probably: “biden’s policies made me do this, guys. totes biden’s fault. …and obama.”
trump, probably: “biden’s policies made me do this, guys. totes biden’s fault. …and obama.”
some political leaders follow the “gold-and-rule” so there’s that.
on a more local level, neurotic SOs will return social embarassments with a bigger social + maybe internet drama. 🍿
kinda related NPR.
this is just my headcanon, but in a more trump-ideal scenario:
i really like the details. the lousy tie, the little hands, the couch, gold trumpy figurines, putin face, corp flag – all done without too much labelling!
i could figure out when it loops because date is just a number… or two. easily stored.
after i know when it loops, time to start connecting to other people’s storage. there’s like 8.2 billion people so i can potentially get ~8tera of shared experiences. or kick ass days.
then it’s time to hatch from the egg.
There’s a time and place for rick rolling.
This guy doesn’t seem to know it and is entering his late childhood stage.
in some video… i saw he is taking it down to space nazi’s feet.