Ooooooh, that makes a lotta sense! I really should’ve abused my first ex’s willingness to share her knowledge of Japanese…
Edit: thank you!
Dude, what the fuck!
I have no idea what any of that means, but I’ve recognised the word “coffee” on the cup and everything else became irrelevant. I want one.
Honestly, even seagulls are easily anthropomorphised in just how human their dumbness feels. It’s like having a bunch of uncouth lugheads cackling their asses off right outside your window, every morning at 6 AM!
Not even once!
Ah, yes, I always do that.
That’s my meaning, nothing more. I genuinely mean no disrespect to anyone affected by these moronic decisions. I may be an idealist, but I recognise the game we still have to play until we reach better times.
Disclaimer: because I’m not sure this won’t come off as aggressive (I do have very strong feelings about the subject, but not outwardly directed), I need to stress that I am not trying to disagree with the fact that discrimination in any shape is unconscionable and I’m not trying to be beligerent here.
You’re right, I am viewing this from the perspective of someone who has, so far, managed to find other ways. But I also speak from the perspective of someone who grew up with The Army in their life (my grandfather was a Colonel, career Army man, and the main authority figure in my family - every day was abstract boot camp). Having seen firsthand the implications of and intentions behind the existence of The Army as a corpus (regardless of country), both historically and contemporarily, I can say with absolute certainty that I wouldn’t join The Army even if it was my last option. I’d much rather join an informal Citizens’ Militia if practical needs for such should arise, because I’m in it to defend people, not to kill the Enemy.
This is not to say that I judge anyone who does so based on limited options, not even close to it. I’ve had my fair share of scraping by and I know how survival allows for very little philosophy. Nor is it an attempt to dilute the grotesqueness of this rampant discrimination, as I agree that people should be allowed to make their own choices and carry the resulting repercussions regardless of domain.
What I am saying is that I cannot agree with The Army as a viable option for anything, let alone as a justifiable institution for any form of rational society. I can appreciate that it fosters some truly valuable skills, like discipline (I don’t mean learning to bow down to Authority), the establishment of routine, physical health (at least the training routines do), but those skills can be fostered in many other ways (I’d rather we spent half of all global military budgets on training more Emergency Responders with added basic combat training in the extreme case it’s necessary, because we’ll obviously need them) and as an institution it exists solely for mass aggression. And that is the element with which I will never agree.
So, yeah, this is why I will continue to be of the opinion that sparing as many people as possible from joining the Army is a good end, but that it is reached through unjustifiable means in this case.
Thank you, The Universe, for making me look cool!
That is a very good point, and I agree. I think I’m past the point where I even count The Army as a potential ally for anything progressive, quite the contrary.
I mean, we’ve been seeing the dynamics already with Police forces (not saying everyone, but enough to tilt the scales the wrong way), and history pretty much says that, with very few exceptions, mechanisms of the State usually fall in line with whoever is the head of said State.
This is not to say that I lump everyone participating in said mechanisms of the State in the same pot, I know (and hope) that there are individual people who are still sane and doing their best. But the mechanisms/institutions themselves (referring to the concrete contemporary bodies and structures) are so far outside my standards for allocating trust that it’s not even funny.
Woke up at hers with a splitting headache and profound nausea (nothing happened, because obviously nothing would happen, I was as close to Wasted as possible), after that things didn’t really go anywhere. Nothing dramatic, she was lovely, we just didn’t match.
Ha-HA! Knew I had a different shot (sorry…)! Also, the reddit tag is intentional, I’m going for a “9gag tag” meta-meme thing (and totally not because I couldn’t be arsed to crop it out).
This discrimination so fucking dumb, that it circles back into becoming weirdly advantageous for those affected. Dunno about everyone else, but I would most certainly not be torn up over not being accepted into the US Army…
Holy crap, I unironically thought it was mid… Yep, can start calling it March!
And it’s barely fucking February… We’re in it now…
People really need to watch 28 Days Later, they’ll be sitting ducks otherwise!
I was out with my friends once in my early twenties, drunk at the limit between “flying high on wings of booze” and “incoherent mass of sick and confusion.”
There was this girl who kept catching my eye every time I saw her out and about, and this time she happened to be at the same dive as us. I finally decided to try talking to her, so I kinda’ awkwardly accosted her at the bar and I think I started pulling my “over-the-top intellectual” bit for a laugh.
Somehow, it worked! We kept chatting (she was buzzed but significantly more sober than I was), we kept laughing, then she asked me to accompany her on an ATM trip after a while. Now, I’d completely lost my capacity for reading between the lines at this point, so I just took it as a generic action. About midway through the trip, she started pulling in very close to me, my current guess being that she had intended to try smooching. My drunk brain thought “oh, she must be feeling the drag, we need to keep her blood pumping.” So I called a race, last one to the ATM is a rotten egg.
Again, surprisingly, she was into it! I could hear her giggling as I was pulling away. I was running like a madman, I could feel my legs moving by themselves. I was a beast, a high-performance machine, a force of nature! Almost started congratulating myself for being such an irresistible hunk, when suddenly I could feel the curb grabbing my left foot. I plunged forward, but luckily my stage fighting reflexes kicked in and I completely unexpectedly started doing landing rolls. I literally rolled the rest of the way to the ATM - about 4-5 meters, not kidding, I’d picked up some serious speed while galloping like a horse on coke. She won and was laughing her ass off, the alcohol inside me had been angered and my brain was oatmeal.
I don’t remember many details after that. What I will say, though, is that it worked! Also, that I never again tried wooing or racing anyone while drunk.
That’s because the giant cow rhinos don’t need the extra marketing, they’re just that cool 😎💅
This reminded me of a dumb joke which used to circulate around our high-school:
John goes to the corner store to grab a pack of cigarettes. Cashier places a pack on the counter, John takes a quick glance and notices “Smoking may cause impotence” on the pack, then says: “Y’know what… do you have any which just cause cancer?”
The Triceratops were objectively the coolest. I will fight u.
Great, it’ll have to plow through ~30GB of 1080p recordings of darkness and my upstairs neighbors living it up in the AMs. And nothing else.