lol no need to apologize, like I said, pp funny
Well, they’re doing what they already have been and absorbing it into teams. Teams video chat is littered with the bits of leftover Skype tech references, they’re just making sure it’s an enterprise product they can bill monthly for instead of a free consumer product
Well, he should have been president years ago considering his grassroots support, but since the dems also serve capitalist oligarchs they forced Hillary Clinton as the candidate which vastly moved toward Trump being elected the first time. Which is why Bernie is registered independent. Bernie proposed the actual solution, which was to stop our government from being bought and sold, and here we are.
Well yeah “shutting down” here is more like “absorbed” into teams. They don’t make “enough” money from consumers to keep it going, but they do from their teams subscriptions. The tech is and will further be ported to teams and the branding changed.
I’m not sure if this is satire or not lol.
If not:
If so, haha pp funny
Yeah he’s just a puppet of the oligarchy, and it’s far too late. His “benefactors” have been sending him instructions on judges to hire, people to promote to his cabinet, executive orders to sign, etc, and he does it all and then spews some nonsense in interviews. Pretty incredible how easy it was to buy the US government.
The funny part though is when the plan starts to fall apart because a party based on distrust can’t function.
I’m sourcing Fox News on purpose here. The Trump puppets are now bickering and it took like a month. The collapse is imminent unless some strong judges stop sending strongly worded letters and what’s left of the congress that cares begins voting unanimously and proposing bills unanimously to block what’s happening.
Hopefully Europe and the other NATO nations don’t succumb to fascism/disinformation in the way we did, or else they’re just another item crossed off Russia’s playbook like the US. In fact, it will be very important they shore up their defense spending.
Makes sense, that’s probably why the highest quality cutscenes are the ones from the PS1 port (retaliation) of the counterstrike and aftermath expansions, since the roms are so well preserved. A good example of how game preservation can help both the gaming community and the companies that make said games
Considering nearly every single one of their comments is about China and they said “his people” I think I have an idea that confirms that you’d be correct
Totally makes sense, considering the remaster was perfect. It was just “multiplayer works, we redid the sprites and audio and tweaked the engine to get rid of some of the bugs. Also hit space for original graphics” or whatever the button was. It was everything an OG C&C remaster needed IMO. I would love to see the same with some of these titles, but now that they’re open source it gives the opportunity for better fan made forks, so I’m all for it.
Edit: and forgot to mention the best part, EA didn’t force their launcher with the remaster or steam editions. They are purely steam games, which is a huge win
Who in history had absolute wealth and or power and used it to great benefit for their people?
One eye lookin’ atcha’ one eye lookin’ for ya
Im now just happy that it’s far more likely for a clean 60fps mod that’s not locked behind someone’s patreon
This feels more like some o.g. Command and conquer devs who have worked at EA for a long time that are passionate about the franchise. There was no big PR release, no product tie in or announcement, no media campaign.
Recovering and restoring the source code for these titles was made possible through the combined efforts of EA technical director Brian Barnes, Respawn producer Jim Vessella, and Luke Feenan, a long-standing member of the C&C community who was involved in the development of the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection.
absolute power (& wealth) corrupts absolutely
Thanks for sharing this, it helped me find a local group I just reached out to. I’m sure the site owners are aware, but having a .us TLD is dangerous, as it’s fully controlled by the US government. Just as the taliban now controls .af (, it’s within the power of the government to shut down .us domains.
Until some poor sap examining the body gets a tear in his PPE and he gets the mutated version that turns him into a zombie
That’s basically half the plot of any S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game, so there’s no better time than the present