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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Today is also a great day to learn about the small mom and pop operations in your town or city, and divert a few dollars of your spending to them. Today’s a great day to take leave from your work, take a bus or bike into work, carpool with someone else, or otherwise not use gas. It’s a great day to go out into nature or hang out with friends, not to consume, but to just live. You can’t zero out your upkeep today, but maybe you can reduce it by spending smartly. To me that’s what today’s blackout is meant to do: not hurt Amazon and Walmart and Tesla, but learn the smart ways of doing things. IMO, at least.

  • For the hard core trumper, I’m absolutely sure you’re correct here. The Shitgibbon’s merry band of miscreants won’t change, and his vote floor is likely in the 70m range. As I like to say, there are an awful lot of very awful people in this country.

    What I hope changes is the narrow band of people who voted Trump because they bought the propaganda that the alternative was worse (and will now see that the leopards are gonna eat their faces and not just ‘other people’s’ faces…), the narrow band of people who voted Third Party, and the WIDE band of over 90 million people who stayed home in the most consequential election in their lives. Maybe 2 years of this utter shitshow will push the votes for Team Blue back into the 80+m range. Assuming we have an election in '26 and '28, of course!

    The only problem is I don’t trust the Democrats to actually do the right thing between 2026 and 2032. They have a bad habit of making incompetent decisions when they’re in power. Can’t upset the Korporate Kampaign Kash cart, can we? And thus I expect people to stay home in 2030 and 2032, again, enabling the GQP again.