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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2024

  • Admitted what? that democrats and the DNC are toxic shit stains not worth the time to vote for? Yes, i’ve been explaining that to people for years. Or that the DNC has no voters to turn to but the left wing which they’ve been shitting on for decades?

    And no, trump and republicans didnt change that equation. its just unfortunate, though unsurprising, timing due to the absolute trash governance provided by the politicians for both parties.

    the center republicans that are now having panic attacks over the sacking of their government and explosion of their economy may well vote dem without any encouragement from liz cheney

    lol. that’s a mighty fine fever dream you have there. the MAGA adjacent in the circles I monitor are not even batting an eye at whats going on.

  • You’re really irrational arent you? 20 million people didnt bother to show up because democrats didnt offer them anything and actively showed they’re a toxic genocidal group. And two groups can be actively hostile simultaneously, its not like hostility is restricted to one entity at a time.

    Just because people find you so disgusting they wont show up for you doesnt mean they in any way support an even more disgusting individual like trump.

    You got stuck with trump because the democrats went mask off and people like myself are tired of dealing with you. so they stayed home. Now you got trump, a candidate who is giving his base exactly what they want and you get to enjoy it along with everyone else.

    Take this as the lesson that it is: if you dont support left wing initiatives they can and will just go it alone because thats what we’ve been doing our entire lives. dealing with the problems you morons cause for everyone else.

    If you want left wing votes make sure your candidates follow through on left wing wants. If they dont we wont show up. just like any other self interested group, and no we wont vote for you to just protect minority groups because we have other tools at our disposal for that.

    But then you saw how courting the right wing turned out for harris. you dont really have anywhere else to go but to us. Best you start learning how to play nice.

  • the core behaviors would persist, empathy, mutual team work would persist. how they’re applied would be drastically different. the initial stages would be rough because we’ve been self selecting for individualism over collectivism.

    basically things that spread virally need collective action to form a bulwark against or enough space between nodes to act as a natural firewall. So I suspect you’d see natural selection happening rapidly. those that can work as a community collectively would thrive those who cant would wither or be solo in the wilderness.

  • Same tired comments and same lack of awareness on your end. The only people who selected trump are the trump voters.

    You should take some time to self reflect on your behavior towards others.

    Its the same lack of empathy and community awareness harris showed that caused her loss to this maniac and what people like myself were desperately warning you idiots about for the entire year leading up to November about both biden and Harris.

    But instead of focusing your ire in the two people who could have prevented this outcome you decided to attack and belittle the very fucking people you needed to show up. Great plan champ 🏆.

    You’re no different than harris (muslims/lgbt+,working americans, black men), biden (muslims,working americans, students) and trump (zelensky/canada/trans/etc)

    So remind me how did your plan turn out? Do you know why antifa is quiet atm? Why the protests are so muted?

    Because people like myself are tired of having to carry the load while dealing with your idiotic nonsense. Go touch some grass and get some perspective. And lord help me stop blaming other people for the outcomes of your shitty behavior.

    Lets be clear: the only thing you morons needed to do realize its easier to pressure harris/biden on the economy, israel, and their corporate whoring than it is to convince 20 million individuals to turn out for people actively being hostile to them.

    Harris had a golden window for like a month she completely squandered because you idiots decided that it was a brilliant plan to try and convince 20 million americans to vote for your asshole candidates who were actively being hostile to the demographics of the very people you needed while having to tolerating your asshole behavior. Instead of focusing it on the two morons who were actively pissing on these same people for not having any platform/messaging addressing the actual problems.

    When has that EVER worked. Trump won because he does what his base wants. Harris/biden lost because they were actively hostile towards their base’s needs

  • only people who caused trump to win is harris and her campaign staff. only they held the keys to the decisions that insulted literally every single coalition of the democratic base in the span of 4 months. Beyond that its the complacency of the DNC that they could continue to shit on everyone for their oligarch overloads.

    the only thing the libtard supporters of harris did was annoy everyone with their holier than thou voting strategies, not realizing that they just pissed off their allies. at worst behavior like yours just tipped the scales into tuning out and not showing up for a small percentage.

  • You sound like you’re experiencing depression.

    See a doctor/therapist. Shrooms pulled me out of similar feelings when I was experiencing what it sounds like you’re experiencing. But root causes can be different so you should see a specialist, and these kind of life situations are why politics are important being able to get the care people inevitably need.

    Dont worry about the political labels, but as others have said empathy is the important bit. LGBT+ causes are just the latest example of people standing up and essentially saying ‘hey im here too, and i have different needs, would you mind shifting these few things around so I can live similarly to you?’ and being left wing is mostly just saying ‘sure’ and making those few shifts.

    Often people treat politics as a zero sum game and it causes issues. Unfortunately the conservatives in the dem party dont understand the people that support them so they keep biting the hands that feed them.