They’ll ultimately just have to cut off the US Internet from the rest of the world, right? As long as we can access other countries with more freedom, we can enjoy that level of freedom on the Internet. Or am I not understanding how the Internet works (entirely possible)?
I’m a 40+ year old white guy who goes to events. I’ve never been singled out. And for what it’s worth, when I got pulled over twice when I was in my early 20s (79 in a 50 (country road) and 52 in a 35 (speeding in a 45 and didn’t make much effort to slow down as I entered the 35)), I only received written warnings. Never had to set foot out of the car.
I also went the wrong way on a one way at Indiana University at 3am leaving my girlfriend’s. Didn’t know my way around. I was pulled over. I hadn’t been drinking but they also just believed me and didn’t ask me to take any tests. They escorted me to the road I needed to be on to hit the interstate.
We’re absolutely treated differently and it’s bs.