Just a basic programmer living in California

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024

  • Yeah, that was it. The crew didn’t react because a time jump from transiting a wormhole is a totally normal thing for them.

    I’m not positive, but I think part of the reason for keeping crew unconscious for so long was to make time to fly the ship far enough from the forbidden planet that it would be a pain to go back for another look. There’s an exchange that goes something like this,

    Picard: A random wormhole isn’t that interesting. But we saw a glimpse of maybe a planet? Should we, uh, spend a whole two days to go look again and come back?

    Data: That was a sensor glitch! Don’t worry about!

    Picard: Yeah that’s way too much hassle. Let’s go ahead and roll the credits.