Starving oligarchs commence salivating
Starving oligarchs commence salivating
Thank goodness! The eternally suffering oligarchs will finally get a break from all the riff raff harassment
OK we get it — Black Lives Don’t Matter to the current federal GOP administration — nor do Brown, Red , Yellow nor most WHITE Lives Matter to them
Revoke the citizenship of racist, data-stealing fascist terrorist M$$k & deport his pathetic butt back to his father’s emerald mine in South Africa already
more like what a current GOP voter would want done
they allow women & fetuses to suffer & potentially die when appropriate medical attention could result in more living mothers & babies (including the currently especially-cherished WHITE ones!)
Will the fund cover funerals for those who succumbed to medically treatable conditions from miscarriages & problem pregnancies that doctors hesitated to be involved with for fear of running afoul of antediluvian laws passed by misogynistic legislators?
Once, twice, three times a dotard…
This will please Manley Manynov very muchly—strategic ketchup supplies expected to remain constant
a door is not a jar, kind sir!
Avian Celebrity Death Match!
Please, give the oligarchs a break!!! Many of them have not made a billion in MANY MANY days!!!
Time to beef up the Genital Patrol!
Filthy water strengthens the white nation!
Moderation in all things, including moderation!!
Hogsbreath rules!
Go Lesser Iowa!!!
Cryptoclones/clowns deserve love too, doncha know??
could also pull a ketchup bottle outta his butt!